Please go to the and fill-in a form to register. You will receive an email to validate your email-id. Please read the instructions in the email to validate.
  • On registration you would have received an email. Please validate your email by following instructions and clicking on the "Validate" button.
  • Go to your profile and complete mandatory (marked with red asterisk *) fields.
  • Aadhaar is optional.
  • PAN number (Indians) and Passport number (Foreigners/ OCI Card holders) is required if making a payment to TSF.
  • Upload your digital photo, minimum 200 x 200 pixels size, in jpg or png format.
Yes. You have to have a unique email-id and phone number that have not been used before for registering on the TSF App.
  • Events Registration
  • Accommodation Bookings for The Sacred Grove, Madanaplle Ashram, Wellness Centre
  • Online Payment through multiple payment channels
  • Review Latest Social Media Posts from TSF
  • Make donations to TSF
  • Many other activities and features are being currently developed that would benefit a seeker
  • TSF Members can register through
    • (a) Public URL of the event published on the TSF website; or
    • (b) TSF App Dashboard or Navigation (Events).
  • Registration may be done in multiple combinations:
    • (a) Without Accommodation;
    • (b) With Accommodation;
    • (c) Group Registration (All participants should have a TSF UID);
    • (d) With Children and/ or Parents who do not have a TSF UID
  • Once the registration request has been submitted, a temporary booking ID is allotted and an email is received by the registrant.
  • On allotment of a confirmed seat, a payment request email is sent. Payment is to be made within the time validity stated in the email. This information is also available on your Dashboard > My Events Bookings Page
  • Please make online payment by clicking on the "Pay Now" button under Dashboard > My Events Bookings > Actions > Pay Now
  • As soon event contribution / payment is settled, a confirmation email is sent to you.
  • You may now download your Entry Pass to the event from Dashboard > My Events Bookings > Actions > Download
There is no limit. All participants should have a TSF UID.
No. Either you cancel this booking and make a fresh booking. Or make fresh bookings for the participants separately. All participants should have a TSF UID.
Yes. Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Cardholder and a Foreign Passport Holder can register using their Indian residential address, and use a Foreign Passport as an ID while making a payment for a TSF event.
Yes. Children and Old Parents without having a TSF UID can join with you. Please add them when you make a booking as a primary registrant.
You are required to make a payment for your event booking within the given payment validity. Otherwise, your reserved seat is automatically cancelled and given to a waitlisted candidate. In rare circumstances, the event admin may consider an extension, if you contact him/ her before the end of your payment validity.
When some registered participant is unable to attend and decides to cancel, seats are released and wait-listed candidates can get a chance to be confirmed. Also, in the case if a registered participant doesn't make a payment withing validity, their seats are automatically released, and wait-listed candidates get a chance to be confirmed.
Yes. However, you are aware that TSF has a no-refund policy.
  1. TSF Members can book through TSF web app:
    • (a) Login to TSF app using the TSF account (email and password);
    • (b) Click on Madanapalle Ashram -> Overview navigation in the Left Navigation.
  2. Booking may be done in multiple ways:
    • (a) Group Registration- (Primary participant should have a TSF UID, additional participants may or may not have a TSF UID);
    • (d) With Children and/ or Parents who do not have a TSF UID.
  3. Once the booking request has been submitted, a temporary booking ID is allotted and an email is received by the participant.
  4. On allotment of a confirmed booking, a payment request email is sent. Payment is to be made within the time validity stated in the email.
  5. Please make online payment by clicking on the Pay Now button under Dashboard > Madanapalle Ashram -> My Events Bookings > Actions > Pay Now.

After payment, your booking tagged as 'Confirmed' booking

Yes, you can book max for three days.
There is no limit. Primary participants should have a TSF UID.
No. Either you cancel this booking and make a fresh booking. Or make fresh bookings for the participants separately. Primary participants should have a TSF UID.
Yes. Children and Old Parents without having a TSF UID can join with you. Please add them when you make a booking as a primary participants.
Yes. Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Cardholder and a Foreign Passport Holder can register using their Indian residential address, and use a Foreign Passport as an ID while making a payment for a TSF event.
Yes. However, you are aware that TSF has a no-refund policy.